Why Do Basements Flood? Huntington, NY

Basement Flood | Huntington, NY | BOCCIA Inc. Waterproofing Specialists.2

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Long Island New York is exactly what the name implies – an Island surrounded by water. This water is one of the reasons people choose to live and work on Long Island and construct their homes and buildings. But the price they pay for living on Long Island is the water that saturates the ground underneath and around their basements.

Hydrostatic pressure will build around a basement that is situated in a ground where excessive water is present. This condition is aggravated during periods of heavy rains which adds to the water in the ground. The concurrence of heavy snow and rain on saturated soil often leads to water leaks, puddles and flooding in Long Island basements, destroying furnishings and belongings and commonly leading to elevated molds that create an unhealthy environment.

Basement Flood | Huntington, NY | BOCCIA Inc. Waterproofing Specialists.2

Wet basements in Long Island are a common occurrence causing havoc to property owners and their valuable basements. There are ways to fix these leaky wet basements that can reclaim these areas so that they are dry, comfortable and suitable for living space. Sub-floor drainage systems sometimes called French drainage systems offer a long-term solution by removing the water from the soil under and around the house. Another common solution is to excavate the soil from the outside and waterproof foundation cracks.

Boccia Inc. has over half a century of experience and knowledge related to correcting wet leaky basements. They are specialists on all types of basements and cellars that are located on Long Island because they have solved every possible leaking condition. Let them bring this expertise to your basement.

Contact Boccia Waterproofing at 516-747-7727 to schedule an appointment for their consultant to evaluate your leaking basement so it can be transformed into usable space.

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