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This revolutionary Window AC Support, which is installed on the inside in just minutes, is far superior to other brackets that are installed outside the building, since they can rust and become unstable.

Throughout our cities, window air-conditioners precariously hang over the heads of people passing underneath. Every day, these people face the potential threat of an improperly braced air-conditioner falling out of a window. However, with the help of the ACe Brace, this fear can finally be put to rest.

The Need for Window AC Support:

A poorly supported window air-conditioner is a danger to people and property. For example, here are some conditions that may cause it to fall:

• The window that is stabilizing the AC is accidentally opened.
• The supports are inadequate or were installed improperly.
• The supports or screws have deteriorated from exposure to the elements.
• Someone accidentally pushes the air-conditioner out of the window.

New York City has guidelines requiring its multitudes of window air-conditioners to be securely installed regardless of the position of the window. Unfortunately, there is no dependable method to achieve this, up until now. This issue inspired a group of building façade engineers to team up with manufacturers to devise a new window AC support system.

The revolutionary ACe Brace is directly anchored to a window frame’s interior jambs, completely protected from outside conditions. Therefore, it provides a sturdy mount that can hold the AC unit firmly in place from the inside. Its unique design allows the ACe Brace to blend into the face of and adapt to almost any air-conditioner and window opening.

Above all, the ACe Brace AC Window Support System is:

• Strong – Attached to the interior window frame and not exposed to the outside elements
• Secure – Fastened internally
• Hidden – Unable to be seen on the building’s exterior
• Safe – Cannot be pushed out accidentally by children, or in by an intruder
• Quick – Easily installed in minutes from indoors
• Adaptable – Can fit almost any sized air-conditioner and window opening

In conclusion, for peace of mind, choose the ACe Brace for all your window AC support concerns!

Send orders and inquiries to info@bocciabros.com

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