Parapet Wall Inspections
A parapet is any portion of a wall extending above the roofline. In addition to acting as safety barriers to prevent people from falling off roofs, parapets conceal rooftop mechanical equipment, reduce wind loads on the roof, and can prevent the spread of fires. With extreme temperature swings in our region, these parapets can deteriorate over time if not properly maintained, creating a hazard and liability for the public and for building owners.

New Annual Inspection Law for All NYC Parapets
Neglected parapets can either fail partially or completely. Falling debris because of these failures poses a serious safety risk to pedestrians walking past the building and has even killed and injured pedestrians on multiple occasions. Even a spalled brick falling from a high building can lead to serious injury and even fatality. According to the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB), since January 2014, there have been 434 non-construction-related incidents involving parapets in the five boroughs with about 25 percent of those resulting in injuries or fatalities (Velsey, 2024, The Panic About the Parapets, Curbed).
Consequentially, as of January 1, 2024, New York City building owners were required to have their buildings’ parapets inspected on an annual basis; meaning that these parapets should have received their initial inspections by December 2024. This requirement applies to all NYC buildings with parapets fronting the public right-of-way, regardless of height (does not apply to detached 1- or 2- family homes or buildings with a fence or other barrier preventing access to the exterior wall). At this time, these are visual inspections, and no testing or probing is required as part of this program. Complying with this law may prevent a parapet from deteriorating to a dangerous condition and may insulate an owner from liability.
With decades of experience inspecting and rebuilding deteriorated parapets, BOCCIA Inc. is highly qualified to meet an owner’s needs by performing these inspections and assisting with the necessary repairs. Please contact us for help in complying with these new parapet requirements.
Note that this new parapet-inspection law is not part of Local Law 11 or the Façade Inspection & Safety Program (FISP).