Why Do Basements Flood? Garden City, NY

Basement Flood | Garden City, NY | BOCCIA Inc. Waterproofing Specialists.1

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Buildings and homes located in Garden City New York have unique characteristics that increase their risk of basement leaks.  Saturated wet soil conditions exist under many basements within the Garden City borders. These wet soil conditions existed long before Garden City was developed into the populous county that it is now, from when it was woods and farmland.

The foundations of the homes and buildings that were since developed were installed on these wet parcels of land. Unfortunately, the typical basement that was constructed is susceptible to water leaks through the floors and walls as minimal work was performed to protect against basement water leaks.

Fortunately, there are means and methods to waterproof the basements of the houses and buildings in Garden City that are efficient, effective and most importantly, affordable. Sub-floor drainage systems sometimes called French drainage systems offer a long-term solution by removing the water from the soil under and around the house.  Another common solution is to excavate the soil from the outside and waterproof foundation cracks.

Basement Flood | Garden City, NY | BOCCIA Inc. Waterproofing Specialists.2

Boccia Inc. has been waterproofing basements in Garden City, NY since 1955 and have installed thousands of waterproofing systems, including French drains and foundation waterproofing, to eliminate basement flooding.

Contact Boccia Waterproofing at 516-747-7727 to schedule an appointment for their consultant to evaluate your leaking basement so it can be transformed into usable space.

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