
Condensation or Seepage

Condensation or Seepage

Where does Condensation or Seepage come from? We all know how important it is to keep water outside your house. But what happens when the water comes from the inside of your house? It is not unusual to find moisture on the surface of cold objects that are not actually leaking. This is a result

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Spring Time

It’s that time of the year again when birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and there is a warmth in the air that will bring us all outside to enjoy. And it’s at this time that typically we may observe that our house and the finishings around it might not look the same. That’s because

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Winter ice damage

Winter Woes…

The wonder of the first sight of white fluffy snow covering the landscape passes quickly once it accumulates to a point where it weighs down branches onto electrical lines and causes power outages. This may start out as a nuisance and inconvenience but can quickly evolve into devastation if it is followed by a storm

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fall leaves

Fall Clean Up Reminder

Every year around this time the leaves change color then fall from the trees and we see rakes and hear leaf blowers all around town. Removing the leaves from eye sight is something we take for granted. What we might sometimes forget is clearing the leaves from the roof gutters and basement window wells.

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